Kahve Molası / Poster Sunumları


Kahve arasında olacak olan poster sunumları;

  • 11. Poster: Rats perceive the change in motion direction of a cursor on PC monitor

    Hasan Berke Bilki, Halise Erten | İstanbul Medipol University

  • 12. Poster: Human IPSC-Derived Sensory Neuron – Cardiac
    Interactions in Multielectrode-Integrated
    Microfluidic Chips

    Gizem Yörükoğlu

  • 13. Poster: Alcohol use during adolescence activates the fibrous astrocytes in the white matter of cerebellum of male rats

    Nurhan Çon | Ondokuz Mayıs University

  • 14. Poster: